The Catherine of Siena Institute, Australia was established in 2004 as an affiliate of the International Catherine of Siena Institute based in Colorado Springs
In 2004 we were fortunate to host a visit from Sherry Weddell and Fr Mick Fones OP who worked very hard for 10 days to train a team of Aussies to present the Called and Gifted Workshop. Their visit began with a Called and Gifted Workshop presented to over 80 participants. About 10 of that number completed the training as Interviewers and Teachers of the workshop.
Since 2004, many more interviewers and teachers have been trained and we have presented workshops across Australia. We have worked in the Archdioceses of Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, as well as the dioceses of Rockhampton, Wagga Wagga, Sale, Ballarat, Parramatta.
The Institute has presented workshops at major events sponsored by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference such as Proclaim, the National Conferences on Evangelisation
In addition to the Called and Gifted Workshop, we give shorter presentations to parishes, youth groups and schools. These may be about the importance of spiritual gift discernment to parishes or outlining the principles of Forming Intentional Disciples. We present professional development programs to school staffs which can be tailored to their particular requirements.
We sponsored a return visit of Sherry Weddell in 2013 which included an address to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on the subject of Sherry’s best-selling book Forming Intentional Disciples.
The Institute is also affiliated with the Dominican Province of the Assumption.
Clara Geoghegan

Clara Geoghegan has worked in parishes, dioceses and schools across Australia helping lay Catholics discern their spiritual gifts (Charisms). Clara is passionate about helping lay Catholics live out their vocation in the Church and the world and showing how discerning of charisms helps identify the call that the Holy Spirit had given each individual. Clara also teaches Church History and Spirituality at Catholic Theological College, Melbourne.
Anthony Walsh OP

Anthony Walsh OP is a Dominican friar and is Parish Priest of St James, Forest Lodge (Sydney). Previously, he was the Master of Students and introduced the Called and Gifted Workshop into the formation program. As a parish priest he seeks to encourage the Catholic Laity to discern their gifts and live out their vocation as intentional disciples.