
The mission of the Siena Institute is to:

  • Assist lay Catholics discern their place in God’s plan
  • Help lay Catholics become aware and equipped for their role in the Church’s mission to the world.
  • Enable lay Catholics, clergy and religious be co-responsible for the church’s mission of helping every man and woman to encounter the risen Christ.

Welcome to the new website of the Catherine of Siena Institute Australia.

Through this website we aim to bring you information about the programs and events of the Institute. We will give you news of Institute happenings but also snippets from our programs including introductions to the saints and their particular charisms, and also encourage you to recognise the people in your neighbourhood who use their charisms in their ordinary lives with extraordinary results. After all, charisms are supernatural gifts with supernatural effects. Curious? Then read our first article below:


March 7- April 4 Called and Gifted Workshop St Benedict's Parish Narrabundah. Five sessions on Thursday evenings 7.30-9.00pm. Led by Clara Geoghegan and Adrian Wellspring. $50. Call Secretary at St Benedict's to register. (02)6295 7879


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March 7- April 4 Called and Gifted Workshop St Benedict's Parish Narrabundah. Five sessions on Thursday evenings 7.30-9.00pm. Led by Clara Geoghegan and Adrian Wellspring. $50. Call Secretary at St Benedicat to Register. (02)6295 7879


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  • Offerings for Parishes